
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1          2               
           3        4      
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1. a large reptile that lives in water in hot countries. It has a long body and a long mouth with many sharp teeth.
5. a brown animal with horns and long thin legs that can run very fast. They live mainly in Africa and Asia.
6. a long thin animal with no legs and a smooth skin. Some of them have a poisonous bite that can kill.
8. a large Chinese wild animal with black and white fur.
10. a tall African animal that has a very long neck and legs.
11. a large African wild animal with golden fur. The male has thick hair around its head called a mane.
12. a small animal with smooth skin that uses its long back legs to jump from place to place.


2. a very large wild animal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has thick grey skin and a very long nose called a trunk.
3. an animal with a long tail that climbs trees and uses its hands in the same way that people do.
4. a large pink or red tropical bird that has a long neck and long legs and lives near water.
7. a large bird that kills other birds and animals for food.
9. a large African animal with a wide head and mouth and thick grey skin. It lives in or near rivers.
12. an animal that lives in water and swims. It breathes by using its gills and moves by using its tail and fins.